Drive systems


Powerful yet quiet, the motor delivers satisfying flow whether you’re climbing or descending. Its maximum assistance of up to 120Nm takes the sting out of any ascent and puts a smile on any rider’s face. Learn More 


Compact, lightweight and barely noticeable – for many riders this describes their perfect solution. With its M820 drive system Bafang has developed a milestone product in the eRoad sector. Learn More 


The journey is the goal. Extended tours, even over several days, are no longer any problem. With an eTouring bike you'll enjoy the powerful support of a Bafang motor and extend your range significantly thanks to the long-lasting battery.  Learn More 


The Future of Urban Mobility: It's already happening today, away from noisy cars and congested roads. The future belongs to the eBike. Quiet, light, efficient and as individual as your lifestyle.  Learn More 


Combining impressive performance with quiet operation, the motor provides powerful assistance up to 160Nm, making for the most manageable eCargo bike journeys. Learn More 


Rough terrain with dirt, sand or snow: maximum traction is essential here. The combination of fat tyres and a powerful Bafang engine meets the requirements perfectly.For unforgettable adventures that you would never have experienced with muscle power alone.  Learn More
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